About Journal

Journal “Problems of Informatics”

Publisher: Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Federal State Budget Institution of Science

The Journal has been registered in accordance with Legislation of the Russian Federation.

Certificate of Mass Media Registration: ПИ № ФС77-32088, of 27 May, 2008, ISSN 2073-0667.

By order no. 412-r of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2019, on the recommendation of the Presidium of Higher Attestation Commission, the journal “Problems of Informatics” was added to the List of Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journals for publication of scientific results of Ph.D. and Dr. of Sci. theses in three scientific specialties and corresponding scientific disciplines in which academic degrees are awarded:


1.2.2Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages (physical and mathematical sciences)

2.3.5 - Mathematical and software support for computers, complexes and computer networks (physical and mathematical sciences)

Letter from Higher Attestation Commission

“Problems of Informatics” is a quarterly reviewed scientific Journal publishing theoretical and methodological papers on problems of informatics, information technologies and their applications. Journal is addressed to scientific reseachers, doctoral students, postgraduates, programmers and engineers involved in fundamental research and applications based on new results in informatics, computer science and application domains.

Journal is available at the site of the Russian Scientific Electronic Library (http://elibrary.ru) and is included into the Russian Index of Scientific Citation (RISC). Indices of the journal’s publication activities (impact factor RISC, number of citations, rating) could be found at

The Journal is distributed by subscription, its index – 69980. For publication in the Journal may be submitted papers of students, graduates, postgraduates, doctoral students, scientific researchers involved in the following:

The Editor-in-Chief:


Managing Editors:

A. S. Rodionov – Dr.h, docent, Head of the laboratory, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
V. V. Shakhov – PhD, Senior Researcher, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia

Absracts of all papers are available in Section "Archive".
Texts of papers are placed at the site http://problem-info.sscc.ru after one year since publication.

Rules of acception, reviewing and publishing scientific papers.
All papers submitted to Editorial Board are expertly reviewed. Based on the expert review, the decision about the possible publication is made.
In Section "To the Authors" contains general requirements of acception, reviewing and publication of papers.
In case of any questions concerning publication of papers, please, contact Secretary of Journal via e-mail: problem-info@sscc.ru.


Secretary-in-Chief - Margarita Sergeevna Delidovich;
Tel. +7 (383) 330-9643;