2019 № 2(43)


1. Platov G.A., Raputa V.F., Krupchatnikov V.N., Golubeva E.N., Malakhova V. V., Lezhenin A. A., Borovko I. V., Krylova A. I., Iakshina D. F., Krayneva M. V., Kravchenko V. V., Korobov O. A. Creation and development of a multicomponent complex of models of the Earth hydrodynamic processes

2. Snytnikova T. V. Evolution of associative parallel architectures

3. Azhbakov A. A.. Perepelkin V. A. Development and implementation of distributed portable algorithms of fragmented programs execution on heterogeneous multicomputers

Platov* G.A., Raputa* V.F., Krupchatnikov*,** V.N., Golubeva* E.N., Malakhova* V. V., Lezhenin* A. A., Borovko* I. V., Krylova* A. I., Iakshina* D. F., Krayneva* M. V., Kravchenko* V. V., Korobov**,*** O. A. 

* Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
**Siberian Regional Hydro meteorological Research Institute, ROSHYDROMET, 630099, Novosibirsk, Russia
***Novosibirsk State University, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia


UDK 551.588:519.63

Since the foundation of the Computing Center (now the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics — ICM&MG), the direction associated with the modeling of processes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere of the Earth has actively developed in Novosibirsk. A. S. Alekseev strongly supported this scientific activity and was the author of the idea of developing a single complex for the Earth system, including the lithosphere. One way or another, but the development of modern modeling is confidently moving in this direction. Previously, the models participating in CMIP projects of the IPCC program had the abbreviation CSM — Climate System Model, now a significant part of such models are earth system models, that is, ESM.
The problem of studying the Earth’s climate has been at the center of attention for several decades and has recently become particularly acute due to the so-called „global warming". The increase in air temperature during the past century was about 0.74 degrees on average, and approximately two thirds of this value were made during the period 1980-2000. A change in temperature by such an insignificant amount, which may not be felt, causes a number of more significant effects in the climate system. One of the most striking manifestations of „global warming" is the rapid decline in the ice mass of the Earth, both mountain and continental glaciers, and floating ice. The fact that a significant part of the Arctic as a result of seasonal fluctuations in the summer is completely free of ice requires a comprehensive study to understand the new conditions of habitat formation and economic activity.
However, the climate problem is not the only one which requires an integrated approach. There are a number of tasks, perhaps not so large-scale, but no less important. Data analysis and monitoring of the distribution of harmful impurities in the atmosphere and in the aquatic environment, contamination of soil and water bodies also require close attention because they are associated with the study of the conditions of human existence and activity, with the formation of sustainable environmental management and economic development.
In this article we will present a review of the current state of research in the ICMMG SB RAS in the direction of mathematical modeling of processes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere of the Earth.
Key words: Mathematical modeling, climate system, environmental monitoring.


Bibliographic reference: Platov G.A., Raputa V.F., Krupchatnikov V.N., Golubeva E.N., Malakhova V. V., Lezhenin A. A., Borovko I. V., Krylova A. I., Iakshina D. F., Krayneva M. V., Kravchenko V. V., Korobov 0. A. Creation and development of a multicomponent complex of models of the Earth hydrodynamic processes //journal “Problems of informatics”. 2019, № 2. P. 4-35. DOI: 10.24411/2073-0667-2019-00005


Snytnikova T. V.

Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS,630090, Novosibirsk, Russia


UDK 004.272

The hardware currently in use is primarily targeted to address data processing. But the Von Neiman’s architecture is not the only architecture type. The paper presents an overview of associative (content-addressable) parallel architectures from the first industrial associative processor STARAN to the modern ATLAS Fast TracKer. Such an architecture performs data parallelism at the basic level, provides massively parallel search by contents, and allows one using two-dimensional tables as basic data structures. However, to solve tasks on these systems, it is necessary to construct new approaches and methods which take into account the advantages of this architecture. Programming paradigms for associative parallel computers was formulated by Potter. The key paradigm of associative processors is the constant runtime of the logical and arithmetic data array operations.
The first commercially successful version of associative parallel processor was STARAN (Stellar Attitude Reference and Navigation ). It was developed by Goodyear Aerospace and produced in 1972. An associative processor array consists of 256 1-bit processor elements, a matrix memory, and a flip network. The matrix memory contains 256 words 256 bits long. Flip net allows one to move data between PE in parallel. Up to 32 associative processor arrays are connected to the one control logic unit, which is connected to host. The next associative system ASPRO (Airborne Associative Processor) was developed on the STARAN base in 1982. The ASPRO was used in US air traffic control system.
After that, in 1991, a parallel associative processor IXM2 was developed for ETL (ElectroTechnical Laboratory, Japan) for processing knowledge and for processing semantic networks. The IXM2 contains 64 associative processors and 9 network processors for communications. Eight associative processors and one network processor form a processing module. All associative processors in a processing module are completely interconnected each other and are connected to one network processor. And eight processing moduls are also completely interconnected each other and are connected to one network processor, which has the connection with the host. The IXM2 was used in the computer translating systems ASTRAL and EBMT (Example-Based Machine Translation) and the real time oral speech translating system TDMT (Transfer-Driven Machine Translation).
The next system, Rudger’s CAM2000 was developed at Rutgers University with the support of NASA in 1993. It combines the capabilities of an associative processor, an association memory and dynamic random access memory in the crystal. The CAM2000 architecture is a tree connected machine consisting of four pairwise connected components: a tree, a leaf, a memory, and input/output devices. A tree component consists of three tree-cells connected in the form of a binary tree. They perform global operations on data located in leaf-cells. A leaf-cell consists of a processor, a bank of local registers, a local memory, and one parallel shift register that forms the I/O components. Leaf-cells perform local operations on data located in their memory and in a variety of registers.
The last reviewed system is ATLAS Fast Tracker (FTK) System of Large Hadron Collider. The FTK system was designed as part of the detector ATLAS, designed to research the processes with high-energy particles as Higgs bason. So, the tracking system should provide the run-time processing of huge data ( about 1PB per second, and 109 matching per each 10-9 seconds) with restrictions on space and power consumption. The FTK system includes 128 independent associative processors AMBSLP (summary 8192 AMchips and more then 2000 FPGA).

The ATLAS FastTracKer is planned to make suitable for portable devices. And the FastTracKer may be useful to solve problems of high-energy physics, medical imaging, and research the visual functions of the brain. So, each of the considered associative parallel architectures was built to solve specific problems that could not be effectively solved on the systems of another architecture. Associative parallel computing developes in three directions: new hardware (associative memory chips, associativ processors and systems), associative parallel models and associative parallel algorithms, the implementation of associative models on existing hardware.

Key words: associative parallel arcitectures, SIMD, IXM2, Rutgers CAM2000, ATLAS FTK.


Bibliographic reference: Snytnikova T. V. Evolution of associative parallel architectures //journal “Problems of informatics”. 2019, № 2. P. 36-50. DOI: 10.24411/2073-0667-2019-00006


Azhbakov A.A., Perepelkin* V.A. 

Novosibirsk State University, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation,
*Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS,630090, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation


UDK 004.4'23

Parallel programming automation in numerical computations demands development of effective distributed system algorithms, capable of efficient execution of parallel programs, represented in high-level programming languages. This, in turn, demands conduction of many efficiency tests and experiments for a variety of applications and multicomputers. Of special importance are heterogeneous multicomputers, which comprise computing nodes of various configurations, connected by networks of different capabilities, since high performance computers tend to increase their heterogeneity, as well as different multicomputers tend to join into larger heterogeneous multicomputers. Nowadays there are many possibilities to aggregate various devices (such as cluster nodes, servers, personal computers, tablets and smartphones) into a single highly heterogeneous multicomputer, but there is a lack of software, suitable for conducting numerical computations on such multicomputers with an ability to vary system algorithms.
In the paper a distributed run-time environment is introduced, which is capable of execution of distributed parallel programs, written in LuNA language, on such highly heterogeneous hardware. To achieve good portability web-technologies were employed. Also, the architecture of the runtime environment supports replacement of the most of system algorithms, responsible for resources distribution, static and dynamic load balancing, computations scheduling, garbage collection, network routing etc. Thus, the environment is suitable for studying different system algorithms on highly heterogeneous multicomputers. The LuNA (Language for Numerical Algorithms) language was chosen as the basis because of the computational model, employed in the language. This model (called fragmented algorithm) allows defining computations in a portable, hardware-independent way, without pre-defined resources distribution or computations schedule. Fragmented algorithm represents computations as a set of side-effect-free micro-processes called computational fragments, which process immutable pieces of data called data fragments. In order to execute a fragmented algorithm the runtime environment has to assign fragments to computing nodes and deliver data fragments to their consumers — computational fragments. The problem of fragmented algorithm efficient execution is solved separately from the „numerical" part of computations. The run-time environment developed is compatible with LuNA compiler (i. e. it executes LuNA-program internal representation, produced by LuNA compiler).
The run-time environment developed focuses on portability, parameterization and scalability. Portability is necessary to allow usage of wide specter of computing nodes (and, thus, support a variety of heterogeneous multicomputers). Parametrization means the ability to replace various system algorithms with user-provided ones in order to study them in the field. Scalability is implied by large- scale numerical computations, where no centralized algorithms, communications or data structures are allowed unless demanded by the application.
The paper proposes an analysis of fragmented algorithm execution in order to identify system algorithms, which are needed to cover the problem of efficient fragmented algorithm execution. According to the analysis architecture of the run-time environment is proposed, which provides necessary parametrization and scalability. For portability concerns the run-time environment was implemented in JavaScript and can be run in virtually any web-browser or under the Node.JS platform. All run-time environment instances form a peer-to-peer network using the Web Sockets technology. The topology of the network can also be controlled by a user module.
Some preliminary testing was conducted. A model problem was studied on a number of multicomputer configurations. The configurations included different nodes: personal multicore computer under OS Windows, a multicore server under Linux, a notebook, and Android smartphones. The tests conducted showed identical output to the output, produced by the original LuNA run-time system. Comparative performance tests were also conducted, which showed the expected curves of different parallelization efficiencies for different computation volume to data volume ratios. Further research should include study of a number of real applications and different system algorithms.

Key words: fragmented programming technology fragmented programming system LuNA, webtechnologies.


Bibliographic reference: Azhbakov A. A.. Perepelkin V. A. Development and implementation of distributed portable algorithms of fragmented programs execution on heterogeneous multicomputers //journal “Problems of informatics”. 2019, № 2. P. 51-69. DOI: 10.24411/2073-0667-2019-00007
