Kalimoldaev M.N., Abdildaeva A.A., Mamyrbaev O.Zh., Duzbaev T., Toybaeva Sh.Zh., Galieva F. DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS
Plesniewicz G.S., Karabekov B.S., Nguen Thi Minh Vu SPECIFYING ONTOLOGIES FOR WORKFLOWS
Kudaiykulov A. K., Tashev A. A.
Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, 050010, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
UDC 539.3 (075)
This paper considers the method of producing system of linear differential equations for solution of non-stationary problem of heat propagation in a rod. For receiving system of linear differential equations variation method is used. At this, the square approximation of temperature elements of a rod is performed on all its length. To achieve the goal firstly are investigated cases, when the rod is consists of two or three elements. It is assumed that from the left end face of rod is fed a constant flow of heat and the right end face of rod is not thermal insulated. Further, it is obtains systems of linear differential equations for different options thermal insulation of side surface of two and three rod elements. Analyzing the structure of obtained systems of linear differential equations, are obtained rules of making the systems of linear differential equations for the solution of non-stationary heat distribution problem in a rod consisting of any quantity of elements. These rules are obtained for any combination of heat isolation elements side surface of a rod. The developed rules allow receiving stationary and non-stationary, and also right parts of system of linear differential equations for the solution of problem of heat distribution in a rod.
Based on the proposed method has developed program using instrumental programming of Delphi which allows to obtain system of linear differential equations.
And also for the research of thermo physical characteristics of a rod the program is developed, which allows
- to solve stationary and non-stationary problems of heat distribution in a rod;
- to define thermo - mechanical characteristics of a rod: elongation of a rod; axial thermal effort; thermo-elastic voltage; thermo-elastic deformation; temperature deformation; temperature voltage; elastic deformation and movement.
Programs allow to set necessary basic data for the solution of a task and to receive estimates of above-mentioned characteristics in an evident graphical form for both stationary and for non-stationary processes.
The specific examples of solution of non-stationary heat distribution problem in the rod, confirming the correctness of the proposed method are considered.
Key words: energy, functional, temperature, heat flow, heat exchange, thermal isolation.
Bibliographic reference: Kudaiykulov A. K., Tashev A.A. The rules for a system of differential equations for estimation of heat propagation in a rod using quadratic fit with an increase in the number of elements //journal “Problems of informatics”. 2016. № 4. P. 25-44.
Nyssanbayeva S. E., Magzom M. M.
Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, 050010, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
UDC 004.056.5
In this paper a computer implementation of the models of the nonconventional encryption algorithm, based on nonpositional polynomial notation system, is presented. An important stage of mathematical and computer modeling is a transformation of a mathematical model in a computer program.Development and testing of software for scientific research often takes a long time.One possible solution is the use of object-oriented programming.This approach enables code reuse while encapsulation of data and templates provide reliable code.The use of OOP is particularly advantageous in scientific research programs that include a parallel processing.
This paper considers a model of block cipher algorithm developed using nonpositional polynomial notation systems(NPNs) or a polynomial residual notation system(RNS).Classical modular arithmetic is based on the Chinese remainder theorem, which states that any number can be represented by their remainders (residues) from its division by the base numbers systems, which are formed pair wise prime numbers. In polynomial RNS moduli are represented by irreducible polynomials with coefficients over the GF (2). The usage of NPNs allows improving durability and efficiency of nonpositional cryptographic algorithms without increasing the length of secret key.
Improved efficiency is provided by the rules of NPNs in which all arithmetic operations can be performed in parallel to the base module NPNs. In nonpositional cryptosystems the crypto strength is characterized by a complete secret key. Crypto strength in this case depends not only on the length of a key sequence, but also on choice of a system of polynomial bases. With the growth of the order of irreducible polynomials with binary coefficients, their number also grows rapidly. The greater the length of the input block, the more choices of working systems bases are possible. Therefore, the crypto strength of the proposed encryption algorithm against brute force attack significantly increases with the length of the electronic message.During the development of the nonpositional encryption algorithm different designs of the Feistel scheme and encryption modes are investigated.
In this paper the methods of object-oriented programming, that simplify the research process of developed models, are described. The use of object-oriented approach and design patterns makes the program design more flexible. In particular, this makes it possible to easily change the classes that define the components of the model of the encryption algorithm. The biggest obstacle lies in hard coded information about which model configuration is used. With the creational patterns,there are different ways to get rid of the explicit reference to the specific codethat implementsthe functions ofa cryptosystem.
Basic design patterns used to create the foundations of the programare described. Application of Abstract Factory, Singleton, Strategy design patters is shown. Furthermore the structure of the developed software is described. The functionality of the “polynomial” and “crypto” packaged is explained and included classes Binary Polynomial, Binary Polynomial Math, Binary Helpers, Simple Cipher, Simple Feistelare shown.
The use of the Java platform during the computer implementation makes it possible to use the software implementation of the nonconventional encryption algorithm in a wide range of computing devices and operating systems
During software implementation of developed models, the statistical characteristics of the resulting ciphertexts were analyzed by using statistical test suit.
Carried out the analysis of a computer program that implements the functions of generating a complete encryption key and performs encryption using a block cipher modes.
The research of the possibility of implementing Feistel scheme and encryption modes helps to investigate the practical usability of the developed models. Computer modeling of the nonpositional encryption algorithm allows developing recommendations for its application.
Key words: cryptographic system, encryption algorithm, modular arithmetic, computer modeling.
Bibliographic reference: Nyssanbayeva S. E., Magzom M. M. Object-oriented approach in computer modeling of the encryption algorithm based on nonpositional polynomial notation system //journal “Problems of informatics”. 2016. № 4. P. 45-54.
Kalimoldaev M. N., Abdildaeva A. A., Mamyrbaev O. Zh., Duzbaev T., Toybaeva Sh. Zh., Galieva F.
Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, 050010, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
UDC 004.94
Nowadays, with the development of high-performance computer equipment, information systems are an effective means of addressing systemic problems. The basic foundation of any information system is a data model that describes the basic elements of the system, and domain. Software and hardware information system - a set of information technology, which includes software and hardware complexes of electric power information system, designed to automate the processes of collection, information processing, information storage, access to it, its presentation and dissemination. This article discusses the objects of complex information system for electric power systems. Currently, the major application areas include system relaying data communication systems and automation, automated dispatching and technological management of electric power facilities, as well as computer-aided calculation of energy resources. Automatic control of excitation (ARV) synchronous machines is one of the most effective ways to ensure the stability of power systems. However, the variety of possible options and modes even in a single grid pose significant obstacles to the development of the best means of ensuring sustainability. Thus, the use of ARVs to ensure stability in some cases may not be sufficient. Therefore, there is a need for the development of information systems. At the present stage of development of the system of methods of development of information system there is a strong tendency to create unified data models: information systems built on this principle, have a greater ability to integrate with other systems, they may be organized in a distributed network. One of the main methodological tools for building domain models data is object-oriented analysis and his interpretation of the language - the unified modeling language UML. The article presents the class diagram, activity, sequences created in the UML, which illustrate various aspects of the system. Provides global experience in developing information systems and comprehensive information system for the EPS scheme. Mathematical models of electric power systems. Math object is the essence of expressing some math category and component object computing. The objects are the elements of the power system, vectors and matrices. Every mathematical object has a set of mathematical signs, but by themselves they do not constitute a computational problem, and is a tool to solve it. When implementing methods of classes attached to each data structure, and their use is transferred to a virtual abstraction layer. In this case, using calls to virtual methods, sophisticated organized computing processes are realized on the highest levels of the class hierarchy of the signs to base class objects are called methods of those classes, to the objects which he actually indicate.Under the computational algorithms of objects refers to methods of computational mathematics and supporting information, which determines the conditions of their use of algorithmic. Each algorithm is designed to solve one problem, but it can be used as a sub-task to solve other problems. On the basis of a mathematical model of a numerical example that demonstrates sufficient efficacy of the proposed mathematical model. We give software screenshots. The program for the numerical integration of the differential equation using the Euler method. In the program, you can select one of two modes: with and without control.
Key words: information system, mathematical model, power system, UML.
Bibliographic reference: Kalimoldaev M. N., Abdildaeva A. A., Mamyrbaev O. Zh., Duzbaev T., Toybaeva Sh. Zh., Galieva F. Development of information system for electric power systems //journal “Problems of informatics”. 2016. № 4. P. 55-72.
Plesniewicz G. S. , Karabekov B. S.* , Nguen Thi Minh Vu
National Research University MPEI, 111250, Moscow, Russia
*Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, 050010, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
UDC 004.822
Workflow is a representation of a process whose participants perform (having a common goal) some tasks (works) in accordance with certain procedural rules and constraints. The successful completion of the process depends on the correct synchronization and scheduling of the activities. The notion of workflow appeared in business-informatics in problem of business-processes automation. Nowadays, the workflow technology is used in many other application areas such as medical and bio-informatics, organization of scientific research, CAD and so on. Ontology is a description of the problem domain for a given application in terms of objects, classes, events and relations.
In the present paper, we use formal ontologies as a means for describing workflows at various levels abstraction. In particular, we consider the level of temporal dependences among tasks. So, each workflow ontology O induces the temporal interval ontology O* consisting of temporal dependencies.
For expressing temporal dependences is used, most often, the interval Allen’s logic with the relations b (before), m (meets), d (during), o (overlaps), s (starts), f (finishes), e (equals) and the reversed relations. However, for workflow ontologies it is necessary to express also durations of temporal intervals.
We suggest to use the extended Allen’s logic (denoted by μLA+) for specifying interval ontologies O* for workflow ontologies O. The sentences of the logic μLA+ are Boolean combinations of propositional variables and elementary sentences of the form A (λ) B where A and B are temporal intervals and λ is a constraint on the ends A–, A+ and B–, B+ of the intervals A and B. (A– is the left end and A+ is the right end of A.). For example, suppose that a task with the temporal interval A to be performed before a work with the interval B, not early than 10 minutes, and that duration of A is 5 minutes. Then this information can be written in μLA+ as the elementary sentence A b (B–– A+ ≥ 10; A–– A+= 5) B.
As each logic, μLA+ has the logical consequence relation |= : for an ontology O* and a sentence α, O* |= α takes place if and only if there is no model of the ontology O* such that the sentence α is false. We have developed the complete deduction system for the relation |=. So, if O* |= α then there is an inference of α from O* in this system, and vice versa, if we found an inference α from O* then O* |= α. The developed deduction system is based on the analytical tableaux method.
The developed deduction system can be used for query answering over interval ontologies for workflows. Here is an example of query: p ∧ q →A o(x ≤ A+–B– ≤ y) B. The answer to that query is the maximal value r of x and the minimal value s of y such that O* |= p ∧ q →A o(r ≤ A+–B– ≤ s) B.
Key words: workflow, ontology, temporal logic, temporal logic-ontologv specification, methods of deduction, analytical tables.
Bibliographic reference: Plesniewicz G. S., Karabekov B. S. , Nguen Thi Minh Vu Specifying ontologies for workflows //journal “Problems of informatics”. 2016. № 4. P. 73-87.